
Species: Witch

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3

Residence: Necromancia Kingdom


Eve is a witch student that attends the School of Necromancia, located in Necromancia Kingdom. Eve studies summoner magic, meaning she learns to summon creatures from other worlds and they are able to complete tasks for her. She is ranked gold in her studies, so she is a top student in her subject. Eve's favorite holiday is Halloween, but even outside of that holiday, she likes to scare people in her free time. Eve has a naturally quiet foot, so other people including her siblings are almost never aware she's even there and they get jump scared by her "sudden" presence. Eve dorms in the School of Necromancia, sharing a room with her sisters.

Important Relationships


Evie is Eve's youngest sister. The two of them get along the best, and often annoy their oldest sister, Evelyn a lot. Eve doesn't really enforce any rules onto Evie, and is often part of her ideas. She will keep her out of danger, though. Eve always encourages her little sister, and doesn't let her give up even when Evie feels that she is not as good as her classmates, or even her older sisters. Evie trains her magic with Eve the most out of both her sisters. Eve matches with Evie idea-wise. Eve and Evie's study sessions are a bit more chaotic, which causes Evelyn to yell at them to shut up.


Evelyn is Eve's older sister. Evelyn is no where near as bossy towards Eve as she is to Evie, but she does get frustrated when Eve didn't stop Evie from doing something that annoyed her like using her books as a stage for imaginary concerts. Eve matches with Evelyn personality-wise since they are both not loud people. Eve and Evelyn have quiet study time together sometimes if Evie is not around.


"Theme Song"

martacuba 2024-present